
Tuesday 12 April 2016

A to Z Challenge - K

The Blogging from A to Z Challenge is to post everyday (except Sunday) in the month of April 2016 starting with the letter A and going all the way to Z. The theme I chose is Genealogy Tips. At the end I will give a related post from my blog Genealogy: Beyond the BMD.

K is for Kids

Get the kids involved! Some of my fondest memories, and what got me interested in genealogy at a young age, are of family dinners or get-togethers and all the aunts and uncles and grandparents telling stories about their younger days.

There are many ways to get the kids interested in their ancestors.  Some heritage parks in Canada have summer camps for kids.  My grandson went to one and he wants to go back this year. They live in the 1800's and learn how to make things from that time. A wonderful experience.

Raiden at Camp

My favourite is to make books. You don't have to be a professional writer, younger kids like the pictures just fine, and just use your own heartfelt words. You can get books made pretty cheaply at an office supply store. I like the idea of writing a book for each of the grandchildren telling them which ancestor they are most like and why.  Try to make it exciting. Find something that interests them and look for an ancestor that matches.

The kids touch on family trees in school and of course they call me when they need info. One grandson was excited to learn that his 10x great grandfather came to Quebec from France in 1613. "Wait!" he said. "That's 400 years ago. Four hundred years!!" He was amazed, especially that they had to take long voyages in "fancy" wooden boats across rough seas to get here.

I found out another grandson couldn't wait til he was old enough to join the highlander cadets.  He was intrigued when I told him that my grandfather also joined the highlander cadets and he would be very proud. And many of his ancestors were in the militia or the armed forces.

Other ideas:
- Card games using ancestors pictures - like Go Fish or Memory. (They have to say the ancestor's name)
- I found a simple copy and paste code for a webpage memory game where you can substitute your ancestor photos.  I did one a few years ago in December with everyone wearing Christmas hats, the kids loved playing it on their device.

Are you as lucky as I am to have your children and grandchildren interested in their ancestors? Can you think of others ways to get them interested?

Related Post:  Raiden's Camp


  1. I might have missed the boat on getting my OLD kids interested, and the grands are still infants. Maybe I'll make memory game cards anyway.
    Visiting from AtoZ
    Jollett Etc.

    1. Hi Wendy,
      By the time I got going on my genealogy my sons were long gone from our home so I was hopeful of enticing the interest of grandchildren However, even their grandfather who has very exciting roots is not very interested so I plug along by myself with the hope that just maybe one day... and in the fact that if they are ever interest there is much for them in records and I will be leaving behind a lot more than we had to put our history together.

  2. Dianne I would love to get our grandchildren involved (our sons as well) but it does not seem to rub off from me, believe me I have tried. I share some of the stories I have written create special cards with pictures and history, and keep photos around so when they are here and show an interest I can tell them something about the person...As you know I am thinking blogging about family stories but fear I'd be the one enjoying it on my own thus I plug away on my own writing and searching with the aim of at least leaving more to my descendants than we left to us... One of our grandsons should be coming to spend some time this summer and am now thinking maybe there will be more 'old' photos around to entice him to find out more about his roots...

  3. I love your idea to make books... Never thought of it, but it's such a good idea.
    Thank you for your inspiration,


  4. Thanks for your ideas. I had an 8 year old sit on my knee the other day and search for his ancestors on my website. I was in heaven.

  5. Love your idea about the books. Have a 2 year old great niece so will have to start with her.


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