
Friday 22 April 2016

A to Z Challenge - S

The Blogging from A to Z Challenge is to post everyday (except Sunday) in the month of April 2016 starting with the letter A and going all the way to Z. The theme I chose is Genealogy Tips. At the end I will give a related post from my blog Genealogy: Beyond the BMD.

S is for Souvenir Books (and Pamphlets)

In the late 1800's to mid 1900's souvenir books were printed for cities and villages, associations, jubilees and centennials, government officials, religious conferences, grand openings and unveilings, manufacturers, sporting events... 

There were souvenirs published also to commemorate floods, fires and earthquakes! 

... and in times of war.

If you are looking for old photographs of places or events and perhaps your ancestors or people they knew, these are great resources for finding them. 

Relate Posts:  Souvenir Books
                    The Photographic Album
                    Nurses, Red Cross, and  more
                    All Aboard
                    Where's the Fire


  1. I don't have many souvenir books, but one that is meaningful is a souvenir book belonging to my grandmother's brother who was in the Navy. It was his ship's anniversary. Most of the information is meaningless to me, but the booklet is one of the few things he left behind when he committed suicide.

  2. And I was about to toss some of my souvenir books.

    1. I'm going to turn readers of my blog into hoarders.

  3. The term "souvenir book" is new to me, but so apt and you have shown some lovely examples. I particularly like the design of the first one. In fact I realise I do have some - the one of the Queen's Coronation that appears in my Q post, and also other ones of Royal weddings, and from my aunt the 1936 Silver Jubilee of King George V and the 1937 Coronation Book of George VI. Ephemera has always fascinated me, and you have prompted me to look out for other vintage souvenir books of more mundane events.

    1. Some times we don't realize WHAT we have, eh?
      After WWI many regiments issued souvenir books with photos of the men. I was so pleased to find the one my grandfathers brother was in, as he died there and the only photo I have of him he was about 8 or so. Well imagine my disappointment when he was among the few that had no photo!! Arrgh!

  4. Interesting Dianne and has me thinking of other like books but more recent. such as what we bought when we went to Botchart Gardens and to see the wall murals in Chemainus in 1985 or the program booklets from ice skating shows :D Sure the type you mentioned could be found in genealogy society collections and may be worth a go see trip one day.

  5. Enjoyed the Australian Tour book. I will be checking out Trove and Paperspast for more. Never know what you might find.

  6. Anniversaries for towns also give lots of interesting old photos of the area. ( Here's the hoarder family coming out again)

    1. There are also lots of groups on FaceBook that are now posting old photos.... South Hams Devon, Liverpool, Bath Somerset, etc. Some are posting then and now photos. From them I have a few photos of homes and businesses my ancestors had. So much fun!


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