
Tuesday 3 April 2018

A - Z Challenge 2018 - C

The Blogging from A to Z Challenge is to post everyday (except Sunday) in the month of April 2018 starting with the letter A and going all the way to Z. The theme I chose is...
My Family Tree Places.


John Ledingham Mavor was born in Ellon, Scotland and was the brother of my 2x great grandfather. I found John in the United States working as a railway engineer/fireman at Cheboygan, Michigan.  Cheboygan and Mackinaw City did not have rail service until the early 1880s, so he must have been working further south. Perhaps he worked for the Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad that had reached Petoskey (Bear River) in 1873. Also many small railroad lines were popping up to transport lumber to Chicago.  

On Thursday the 28 June 1876 a woman named Maggie Mavor walked into the office of Justice Joshua P Sutton and made a complaint...

Rather Mormonish.
Thursday afternoon a lady giving her name as Mrs. Maggie Mavor … ... Justice Sutton's office, and informed that preservator of the law that her husband John L. Mavor, was a much-married man. She avers that on the 15th of May, I875 she was married to the said John at the Island of Mackinaw, and that she had lived with him as his wife. She also averred that on the 20th of May, 1876, he had so far forgotten his marital vows as to marry one Julia Duffany, which act is in violation of the law. Upon this information, Justice Sutton issued a warrant, and Deputy Sheriff Mulvaugh arrested the man of plural wives Thursday night. He was taken before the court, where he was admitted to $500 bail to appear for examination. He states that if he was married to Maggie, he was drunk and didn't know it, or something to that effect. At any rate his mind seems oblivious to the fact of Maggie being his wife. It would now seem probable that before he gets through with this matter he will have his memory refreshed.   

I didn't find any records (censuses or deaths) for any of the three after this, and I have recently written to the county court to try and get the court records. I have a feeling that John's time in Cheboygan was short-lived.

UPDATE 9 Aug 2021:
Through research and DNA matches I found Julia married to a John Wilson and with a daughter Mary living in Altona, MI. I am a DNA match to grandchildren of Mary, and the only way that could be is that Mary is the biological daughter of John Ledingham Mavor!  


  1. "...the man of plural wives" and "he will have his memory refreshed" - best parts of the article! But wow, that is some story! I hope you can find how it all turned out. (And isn't "Cheboygan" just fun to say?)

    1. Reply today... no early records in Cheboygan (Cheboygan, Cheboygan, Cheboygan ... haha) they referred me to Lansing, capital of Michigan.

  2. I wonder if the name is related to Sheboygan WI

    1. Both places were home to Native Americans who named the area. You never know! In some old records it was written as Shaboygan.

  3. I'm from Michigan and when I saw "Cheboygan" I wondered where else there was a Cheboygan, but it was the same one. Poor Maggie. What a husband!

    1. And poor Julia! I am still looking for her roots, in Three Rivers her name may have had one of 3-4 French spellings.


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