
Thursday 5 April 2018

A - Z Challenge 2018 - E

The Blogging from A to Z Challenge is to post everyday (except Sunday) in the month of April 2018 starting with the letter A and going all the way to Z. The theme I chose is...
My Family Tree Places.


I am very excited about Edinburgh, Scotland because I am planning to visit there with two of my daughters in the fall. My Tait ancestors lived in a few of the Edinburgh parishes and I want to see them all.

By June 1811 the population of Edinburgh was 103,143. 

George Taytt, a bower in Perth and my 10x great grandfather, was buried in Edinburgh Parish. He left a wife, Jonet, and five children under 5. My 9x great grandfather was their son John, born March 1570. 

There was a plague epidemic in the late summer and fall of 1587 that killed John's three  sisters... his twin Jonet, Isobel and Margaret.  They were all buried in Edinburgh Parish, probably at St Cuthberts. 

John, a gardener, married Isabell Caldwell at the Edinburgh parish Church on 10 December 1606. 

The next generations were John the pewtherer (b.1607), then John the physician (b.1638), then James the goldsmith (b.1679). 

James had his shop under the Tolbooth of Canongate, which was the center of justice and the jail.

In 1741 James advertised to rent the property that had belonged to his father at Saughton.

There is a House with two Fire-rooms, a Kitchen, Dining-room, Garret and Cellar, with an Acre and a half of arable Ground sown with Clover and Rye-grafs, lying between Gorgie and Saughtonhall, to be let for one or more Years, with or without the arable Ground. Enquire for Particulars at James Tait Goldsmith in Edin[burgh].

James was buried 16 December 1753 at Greyfriars Churchyard, 10 paces south of Ingles' headstone. 

Some of James' pieces made of silver are on display at the National Museum of Scotland. 

My next generation was George Tait (b.1735), a wright. He married Alison Barrowman of Temple (just south of Edinburgh City) in Lady Yester's Kirk on 3 December 1769. 

George lived in South Leith.  He died 25th and was buried the 28th of April 1816.  He was buried  6 paces south from George Irving's headstone in the Wrights Burying Ground of the South Leith Church.

John Tait (b.1770), wright, was baptized at St Cuthberts Church. He was also married there in 1792 to Ann Dalrymple Falconer.

The next generations lived in Sorn Ayr, Glasgow, Liverpool, Bath, Montreal. 


  1. Planning a trip to an ancestral place should be fun, but you will definitely get the most out of it if you ave researched where your ancestors were. I should do more planning and documenting.
    Thanks for visiting my blog

    1. Especially since I can't get around that well, I don't want to waste energy going to the wrong church! That's a challenge as there are so many and often the record just says Edinburgh. So many emails to Scotland's People!
      Thanks for visiting Anne.

  2. What an amazing trip that will be! I'm jealous you can trace your ancestors that far back with certainty and with details to write about. I have NAMES from the 1600s but that's it, no records, no newspaper articles, nothing.

    1. I am lucky that there is so much online these days. I never would have found even half just five years ago!
      Thanks for visiting Wendy.

  3. Sounds like an awesome trip! I haven’t traced my McKinley line across the ocean as of yet. I so wish I had their home pinpointed! Enjoy your trip as it’ll make for a great post!

    1. I'm so excited!
      Good luck in your research. Thanks for visiting.


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