
Friday 28 December 2018

12 Days of Christmas Ancestors - Day 4

"The fourth day of Christmas my true love sent to me
four colly birds..."

"Colly (or colley) is an Old English term for 'black,' from the word 'colliery,' meaning coal mine. 

None of my ancestors worked in a coal mine, but one was a miner in a gold field and another drove the train for a copper mine.

My 3rd great uncle Thomas King went from Devon to Australia to work as a miner.

Thomas King, a miner, was admitted to the hospital today, suffering from a fracture of the right leg, damaged arm, and a broken jaw, caused by a fall of earth in the Queen Constance PO, Mareeba, whilst timbering. The affair was apparently purely accidental, the manager, Mr Morgan, having a very narrow escape. The Company had only recently taken out an Employer's Liability Accident policy. 

My 2nd great aunt Sarah's husband, John McTeer, worked for the Queen Mine in Bisbee Arizona, as an engineer on the train carrying copper from Bisbee to Fairbanks. 

On my return from Bisbee I took a seat by John McTeer, the engine driver, that I might have a better view of what is to be seen along the Arizona & S.E. RR, owned and managed by the Copper Queen Con. M. Co., Ben Williams superintendent. The length of the track is 36 miles to Fairbanks, where it connects with the N.M & A., superintended by H.T. Richards of Benson. Six miles below Bisbee is Deer Point depot.


  1. I really like how you've associated "colly birds" to your mining ancestors. Very clever!

    1. Thanks. The only birdwatchers I know of in the family are living, so miners it is!


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