
Friday 4 January 2019

12 Days of Ancestors - Day 11

"The eleventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me
eleven ladies dancing..."

There were eleven ladies in the Ladies Aid Society of Verdun including my grandmother, Sadie (Sarah) King, age 16, in the front row, and my two great grandmothers... Rebecca Mavor and Mary Jane King. I am pretty sure they didn't do much dancing, but my grandmother was taught how to play the piano at the school she attended, and she played the organ for singing hymns at the end of their meetings. 

My grandmother was pretty good at labeling photos, thank heavens!! 

Back - lt-rt:    Mrs Evely, Mrs Taylor, Mrs Mavor, Mrs Dawson
Middle:          Mrs Bradbury, Mrs Hayden, Flo Bradbury, Mrs King

Front:            Sadie King, Jessie Bradbury, Mrs Brown

Reg Cummings - Photographer - cor Wellington & Gordon, Verdun

Ladies Aid Society of Verdun Methodist Church (later Verdun United)

She did not write the name of the lady standing on the far right, who is not one of the Society. 

My grandmother had no idea at the time that Mrs Mavor would become her mother-in-law.

Is one of these ladies your Verdun ancestor?

The Ladies Aid Society had social meetings (often a tea or strawberry social) and often had a religious speaker. They held fundraisers to make money for the upkeep of the church. They also helped out with the war effort.

Many times as a child when I went to stay with my grandmother she took me to help out at her teas or rummage sales at the church. 

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