
Thursday 3 January 2019

12 Days of Ancestors - Day 10

"The tenth day of Christmas my true love sent to me
ten pipers piping..."

It used to be usual and accepted for people to smoke. My Dad and his siblings all smoked, as did both their parents. I remember as a child sitting on my grandfather's knee at his desk while he got out his tobacco and papers and he let me help make cigarettes with his rolling machine. 

In their younger days, when it was fashionable to do so, my Dad, his brothers Bill and Jack, and their brother-in -law Jim sometimes smoked a pipe.


Uncle Bill (my Godfather)                                Uncle Jim

When my Dad tried to quit smoking cigarettes he went to little cigars, thinking he would smoke less.  When that didn't help he went back to smoking a pipe. That didn't work either so he ended up quitting cold turkey.

Here is my Dad being... fashionable??  In his antique dealer days, he was trying out some things he either brought home from an auction, or from buying the contents of a house.

NOTE:  Thanks to my cousins for the photos of their fathers, and my sister for the idea.  


  1. Great little post Dianne. It is fun learning about the lives of others...

    1. Thank you Cathern. This one was my sister's idea.


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