
Thursday 30 April 2020

A to Z Challenge 2020 - Z

The Blogging from A to Z Challenge is to post everyday (except Sunday) in the month of April 2020 starting with the letter A and going all the way to Z. My theme is...
Ancestor Occupations 


Z. The last letter and the next generation.

I was wondering what occupation I was going to write for the letter Z when one of my daughters said "Ahem! Mom!! Does it have to be an ancestor?  You have four daughters that worked at a ZOO!!"
Oh!  Right! 

We lived in Hemmingford, a little village south of Montreal and not far from the border to New York. It was great when Parc Safari opened in 1974 as it gave students a place to work in the summer. My sister also worked there during the summer when she was in college.

I got quotes from all four girls about their time working there. I couldn't find a photo of Cindy in her uniform, dang! But her friend had drawn a cartoon of them in Cindy's yearbook. 

I actually quite enjoyed working at the Parc. I had some fun times. I was there from 1989-92 (15 to 18 years old). 

My friend and I always had fun working together. One time it had been pouring rain and got cold and most of the people left the park, but we stayed open. We started having a “snowball fight” with the snow cone ice. We started getting a little crazy and started shrieking and laughing and since it had been raining, one side of our canvas cover was closed. So we couldn’t see who was coming. All of a sudden from around the corner comes one of the owners and he looked angry and said to us “Give me one good reason why this should be happening right now?!?” We both just stared at him all stunned and embarrassed. We didn’t answer him. He walked away. We giggled and laughed and then cleaned up. A little while later our boss came by to tell us to close up and said something about the big boss seeing is throwing ice. She just said “you shouldn’t do that” we said we knew. And that was that. 
Cindy was working there during The Great Escape of 1989

I worked there for 4 summers from 1990 to 1994 (15 to 19 yrs old). 

First two summers were in the "Restaurant" section. I was mostly at the candy shack by the stadium where we sold ice cream, nachos, popcorn, snow cones and cotton candy. We had to sell snow cones at the shows (4 times a day, 2 at the stadium and 2 at the Theater in the Woods which was a magic show). I hated every minute of it! We had aluminum trays that hung around our neck and they would be loaded up with 12 to 18 snow cones. They were expensive and they melted fast. Sometimes the juice would saturate the paper cone and melt down my leg. There were always wasps flying around and I was stung 3 times over that time.

After 2 summers of that I asked if I could be transferred to Admissions. I liked working in the booth, taking admission payments and sometimes I had to stand between the cars that were lined up before they paid to sell them animal food and other souvenirs (colouring books, hats, etc). One time before we opened an Ostrich got to our side of the Texas gate. I had just put my cash in and looked up and there it was staring at me! I called it in (thank goodness we had phones in our booth!) They initially didn't believe me and said it was impossible or thought I was looking at it way off in the distance on the other side of the Texas gate. They finally sent someone to see and realized I was right! Took 6 grown men to get that Ostrich back where it belonged.


I worked there from 1993-97 (15-18 years old). They changed the uniforms from the yellow and red to navy and teal.

I started out at the “Stade” (stadium) the first summer, selling cotton candy and popcorn and ice cream, and trays of sno-cones during the shows.The next years I worked in “Zumba” near the pool. We sold cotton candy, popcorn and sno-cones.I did break relief also at the Theatre restaurant, in the deer park and on the elevated walkway (my favourite).One time I was getting a ride home with friends but was finished first so I had to wait for them. Near Care’s restaurant (the Stade) was the elephant ride where my friend worked. I was sitting on the exit stairs of the platform chatting with my friend and sharing my popcorn with Churchill (the elephant) and she sneezed on me.  Ever been sneezed on by an elephant? Not cool.


I worked at Parc Safari in 1994 at age 15. My uniform was way too big.

I stood at a little cooler and sold Haagen Dazs bars out of it. No chair or stool, no umbrella to block the sun. People constantly came up to me to complain about the price but never bought any (as if my 14 yr old self had anything to do with setting the price). $3 for an ice cream bar. You could walk 20 ft from there and buy a huge ice cream cone for $1.75! One day I’m pretty sure I was getting heat stroke from standing in the sun all day next to that cooler. After taking crap from multiple people about the price of ice cream bars my boss came up to me yelling at me for not smiling enough. Two seconds later, the owners who happened to be touting the park that day came up to us and said I should have an umbrella to shade me, and maybe a stool to sit on. My boss says “I was just saying that!” (She wasn’t). Another time it was pouring rain, people were fleeing the park like mad. Here comes the boss and I’m thinking she’s going to lock the cooler and let me go home. Nope, she gave me a garbage bag to wear as a raincoat. I quit.

And there you have it, the experiences of four teenage sisters working at the Zoo in the late 80s to early 90s. The kids were paid an average $6/hour, sometimes working pretty long days, especially in full swing of summer. I asked them to put at least half their paycheck in savings and they could spend the other half. 


  1. What a great finish to A-Z and so apt with family memories. I seem to remember joking with you on how were you going to deal with those pesky letters, and did you have have a zoo keeper in the family - I din’r realise how true that was! I have enjoyed your posts in this series - thank you for highlighting some very different occupations.

    1. I remember when you said that I thought... Pfft I wish! And here we are haha!
      Thanks, I’ve enjoyed your company in this A to Z journey.

  2. Congratulations on finishing the A to Z challenge. Great, evocative stories that reminded me of my teen years working in my grandmother's arts and crafts building at a county fair near Albany, N.Y. And you know that sneezing elephant would have to wear a mask today!

    1. All in all it was a good experience for them. Got to save some money for college days, and buying the clothes or shoes they wanted was an eye opener on how much work they had to do to earn that money!

  3. Funny I was just thinking, "How is she going to pull this off, Zebra tamer?"

    1. I didn’t know if I could until the last few days! Talking to my girls put me on the right track. Phew!

  4. I used "zoo" too, and even have an ostrich.

    My daughters all worked at the local ice cream parlor in the summers. At least it was inside.

    That zoo sounds like something else. I'm with the daughter that quit when her boss brought her a garbage bag to stay out in the rain.

    Congrats on finishing the challenge.
    Finding Eliza

    1. I just caught up on your A to Z. Congrats on finishing also.
      An ice cream parlor would have fit my bill as a teen... I can’t take the heat.
      Thanks for visiting.

  5. Great finish to your interesting alphabet challenge of 2020. Way to go Dianne :D

    1. Thanks Cathern. It was an interesting theme to work on.

  6. Wow! That many zoo workers in one family. Amazing!

    Congratulations on reaching z.

    I hope you and yours are staying safe and healthy during this difficult time.

    J Lenni Dorner~ Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge, Debut Author Interviewer, Reference& Speculative Fiction Author

    1. Thank you... it was an interesting challenge again this year.

  7. When I was in high school, I really wanted to work in a zoo but never had the chance to. What fun!
    Congratulations on completing the challenge! I really enjoyed your theme and your research! :)

    The Multicolored Diary

    1. Thank you! I enjoyed your theme of folk tales of endangered animals... fascinating!

  8. What an amazing summer job! I don't know anyone who worked at the zoo. Great experience for your girls.

    1. Yes, it gave then a good work ethic too.
      Thanks for visiting!

  9. What a great finale to the series. How hard those girls worked but I had to laugh at the ice cone fight and the ostrich. And the feistiness of the “I quit”. Doesn’t sound like the managers cared too much about staff welfare and at $6 an hour!!! My girls were earning about $17 an hour at KMart or Sizzlers if my memory serves, but the zoo would have been fun.

    1. It was a not bad summer job for high school students. They worked May to October, just weekends when school was still in. At that time $6 was minimum wage in Canada.


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