
Friday 1 May 2020

A to Z Challenge 2020 - Reflections on my A to Z about Occupations

My reflections on the Blogging A to Z Challenge

As usual, I didn't decide to do the challenge until the last minute - I guess that's how I get my inspiration. When I have too much time, I over think it. This is my third time, I seem to be joining in every second year! 

The theme of Ancestor Occupations was fun and interesting to do. It made me really think about what my ancestors did for a living, day to day, and how to find out more about it. And to think that when I started down this genealogy road I though all my ancestors were "just farmers". 

I thank all who visited my blog for their support and kind comments. I enjoyed following other genealogy bloggers to see what interesting posts they come up with for all the letters, especially the hard ones. 

Congratulations to you all! 


  1. I‘m impressed Diane that, in short notice, you had researched and written so many interesting posts on the varied occupations of your ancestors.

    1. Thank you Sue. It was fun, as I had a good variety of occupations to choose from.
      I enjoyed your posts also, and now I have time to check out some of the sources you gave us. Thanks for visiting and commenting while we blogged our A to Z !

  2. Congratulations, Dianne! This was also my third A to Z and, although I had plotted out ideas ahead, I also made a last minute decision to take the plunge and participate. I enjoyed your occupation posts and the unique sources you used, and may follow up a few related to my own ancestors' occupations. Thanks for your visits/comments on Molly's Canopy. It was amazing how much our childhoods paralleled each other! Hopefully we can continue to connect via our blogs throughout the year. Stay safe and well.

    1. Thanks Molly. I also enjoyed my trip down memory lane with you. Take care!

  3. I really enjoyed your series Dianne, especially some of those quirky occupations. Thanks also for your support throughout with lots of comments. Also thanks for the Twitter tip re Rick Mofina's books :)

    1. Thank you Pauline for all your comments throughout this A to Z journey. I enjoyed reading your posts about gratitude... thought provoking.
      Happy reading!


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