
Friday 1 May 2020

A to Z Challenge 2020 - Reflections on my A to Z about Occupations

My reflections on the Blogging A to Z Challenge

As usual, I didn't decide to do the challenge until the last minute - I guess that's how I get my inspiration. When I have too much time, I over think it. This is my third time, I seem to be joining in every second year! 

The theme of Ancestor Occupations was fun and interesting to do. It made me really think about what my ancestors did for a living, day to day, and how to find out more about it. And to think that when I started down this genealogy road I though all my ancestors were "just farmers". 

I thank all who visited my blog for their support and kind comments. I enjoyed following other genealogy bloggers to see what interesting posts they come up with for all the letters, especially the hard ones. 

Congratulations to you all!